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Kindred Nurseries Blog

For top tips, nutrition advice and creative inspiration.

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Journey to big school

We hope you have received the news you wanted yesterday and your little one has a place secured at your first choice school for September this year. Due to a lot of our pre-school children currently being at home with their parents, Annie Tierney, Head of Operations, shares some ideas for making those important steps towards school readiness. Don't forget to download our 'Journey to big school' and our parent 'Top Tips for starting school'.


The Benefits of Outdoor Play!

Many of us have great childhood memories of playing outdoors – I know I do! Running around, climbing trees, building dens, making mud pies and inventing new games that kept us occupied for hours – these are all things that contribute to a happy, healthy upbringing.


A parent's guide to drawing and painting

Between the ages of two and five years old, children love to make marks and draw pictures for their family. I’m sure many of you have a large collection of artwork on your fridge.