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Kindred Nurseries Blog

For top tips, nutrition advice and creative inspiration.

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Meet the Passion Behind Kindred's Accredited Menus

Sarah Tayler is a Senior Nursery Manager at our Kindred Hainault nursery and has over 18 years childcare experience. She has always been incredibly passionate about children's nutrition. Find out more about the journey she took to create a yummy new Kindred menus.


Spring has sprung!

For the Easter weekend we would love you to join us in celebrating Spring and New Beginnings by taking part in our spring bingo game. The idea is that, with your little ones, you use your garden and local area to search out all the items on the bingo board and cross them off as you go. Can you find them all?


Our Little Book of Science

In celebration of British Science Week 2021, we have compiled together some of our absolute favourite experiments for you to try at home in this Little Book of Science.


My Mum Rocks

This activity allows your child to explore their natural environment as they look for their rock. It will also provide them with the opportunity to create with a purpose in mind and to plan ahead.


Why can’t reindeers be blue? Make Christmas crafts about enjoyment rather than the end product.

Annie Tierney, Head of Operations, speaks about how easy it is for us to lose sight of what is important for the child when making Christmas crafts, and focus too much on creating something for the parents or a display board. When we do this, we are only thinking about the end product and not on the child’s creativity, imagination and the benefits which they gain through being able to freely be involved in arts, crafts and creative activities.


New Nutritionally Accredited Menus launched

This week we launched our new, exciting Autumn / Winter menus. This is always an exciting week – when our children first taste our new, interesting, nutritious dishes – and our cooks wait patiently for the verdict on the new spaghetti bolognaise! This year, however, we are bubbling with excitement – our menus have been accredited by Action for Children, Eat Better, Start Better nutritionists. So, we know that they are more nutritious and tastier than ever! Providing our families even more reassurance that the food their children eat with us is going to give them the best start in life.